storage n. 1.贮藏(量),存储(量);(仓库)保管;库容量。 2.栈房,仓库,贮藏所。 3.栈租,栈费。 4.贮存器。 5.【电学】蓄电(瓶)。 6.【自动化】(计算机的)存储(器);记忆。 cold storage 冷藏。 a locker storage 密闭仓。 a storage dam 蓄洪堰。 Pork and mutton should be kept in cold storage. 猪羊肉应该冷藏。 The reservoir has in storage about five million cubic metres. 这水库有五百万立方米的储存量。 500 bales of cotton are in storage. 库内存有五百包棉花。
Research on online storage subsystem in vod 在线存储系统的研究
Previously razeyah had five years of experience in the performance of storage subsystems 她拥有五年在存储子系统性能方面的经验。
1u through 3u sata ready enclosures for storage subsystem applications sr series 1u到3u sata就绪机箱适用于存储子系统应用程序sr系列
To use storage manager for sans , the server and the storage subsystem must meet the following requirements 要使用san存储管理器,服务器和存储子系统必须满足下列要求:
1u through 4u series of sata - ready rack enclosures for both server and storage subsystem applications 设有sata机架的1u到4u系列磁轨机箱适用于服务器及存储子系统应用程序
1u through 5u series of sata - ready rack enclosures for both server and storage subsystem applications 设有sata机架的1u到4u系列磁轨机箱适用于服务器及存储子系统应用程序
The system has four parts , which are data collecting subsystem , data storage subsystem , data displaying subsystem and data uploading subsystem 系统分为:数据采集子系统;数据存储子系统;数据上传子系统;数据显示子系统等四个部分。
In effect , the san does in a network environment what traditionally has been done in a back - end i / o environment between a server and its own private storage subsystem 实际上,存储区域网在网络环境中实现了传统上在服务器及其自己的专用存储子系统之间的后台i / o环境中实现的工作。
Based on microsoft virtual disk service technology , storage manager for sans allows provisioning on fibre channel and internet scsi iscsi storage subsystems 基于microsoft虚拟磁盘服务( vds )技术, san存储管理器允许在光纤通道存储子系统和internet scsi ( iscsi )存储子系统上提供存储。
The storage manager for sans component of the microsoft windows server 2003 r2 operating system enables you to provision storage on one or more storage subsystems on a storage area network Microsoft windows server 2003 r2操作系统的san存储管理器组件允许您在存储区域网络( san )上的一个或多个存储子系统上提供存储。